Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"What counts is what you make of it in the middle"

The JDFC staff received this email late last night, and it touched us so much that we wanted to share it with all of you...Jonathan's most devoted fans. 

On October 18, 2015, Jonathan Davis changed the way that I view myself, my happiness, and my future.

Jonathan Davis is an amazingly talented young man–but not for the reasons you would think. Yes, he is undoubtedly a talented singer, but what really sets him apart from others is his ability to connect with his peers. Jonathan somehow has the ability to talk directly to you, even if you are one of thousands of people.

This past year I've had the privilege of being one of those thousands of people to be around him. Yet, even if we just met, it seemed as if I might have been in a room talking to my best friend. And I think I felt that way because Jonathan took some time out of his busy schedule to give me some advice. What he said was so beautiful, that I almost don't want to share it - but rather treasure it in my heart.

All I can say is that tears rolled down my cheeks. Tears of recognition. Tears that represented a rough and stressful time in my life that this person could perfectly describe through word and deed.

All too often it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you are the only one who has experienced this sort of pain. But, during this one moment, Jonathan changed my life. He reminded me that I was not alone in the pain I’ve felt this past year.  He told me that eventually I would be “Clean” and that soon enough I would be able to “Shake It Off”. He spoke directly to me when there are thousands of others he could have talked to - and for that I will be forever grateful.

I’m moving on from that encounter with Jonathan with a new-found confidence that my life will get better. In Jonathan's words: “Life is made of fleeting moments of happiness and fleeting moments of pain. What counts is what you make of it in the middle.”

In the middle I’m going to live every moment to the fullest and move on from a part of my life that has weighed on me so much.

I hope everyone reading this does the same. I also hope that others who are in a similar situation read this story and realize that they are not alone. I know how hard it is when your friends and family don’t understand. I understand what it feels like when you realize you no longer have their support. Well, you do have support. You have support from me, from Jonathan, and from every other person who has been there.
So if this story has moved you, then share it. Send it to your friend, loved ones and even your enemies. Remind them that they are not alone.

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