Thursday, October 15, 2015

Soccer Match, or No Match at all?

This past Sunday players from many diverse cultures were a part of the Holy Apostles Annual "Vietnam Vs. Everyone else Soccer Invitational."

It was an absolutely stunning performance of athleticism, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Both teams worked hard for the points they scored, but the final score was a whopping 6-2 in favor of our Asian Brothers.

But, the real question is whether they even stood a match to the secret weapon on the International side? For there was one player, whom not even the Vietnamese could defeat. Our own, Jonathan Davis. Check him out here in a rarely seen photo of Jonathan gracing the International student's team by his presence.

They may not have won the soccer match, but there was NO MATCH when it came to Jonathan Davis.

Yes, Mr. Davis.... You are number one in our books.

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