Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dr. Scott Hahn Attends Jonathan Davis Event

Several people taking pictures and waiting to see Jonathan Davis.

On Saturday, October 10th, 2015, several hundred people gathered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Norwich, CT, in anticipation of Jonathan Davis.  Among those numbered in the crowd was Dr. Scott Hahn, famed Catholic apologist and scripture scholar.  Dr. Hahn in hearing about this event cancelled several of his classes at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and tour stops around the country to make this event:  “When I first read about Jonathan Davis on the Jonathan Davis Fan Club Website, I knew I had to meet him at any reasonable cost.”  Even several students and faculty from Holy Apostles College and Seminary who see Jonathan Davis on a daily basis attended the event because no one can get enough Jonathan Davis.

Dr. Hahn remarked, “This is the happiest day of my life!  This is on par with coming into the Catholic Church and may be even better than my wedding day, but don’t tell my wife I said that!  Wait… why are you writing this down?  You guys aren’t going to publish every single thing I say to you, are you?”

Several members of Holy Apostles College and Seminary officially induct
Dr. Scott Hahn into the Jonathan Davis Fan Club. 

Sadly, Jonathan wasn’t able to make it to the event for important reasons.  If you are asking what those reasons could be, stop wondering:  you are not able to understand the ways of Jonathan.  That being said, Scott Hahn was very disappointed, “After I first came into the Church and became a Catholic celebrity, it was fun to go to Rome to meet with popes and other famous Catholics, but I can honestly say I was never too excited for any of that.  But then there is Jonathan Davis!  When reading about him on the Jonathan Davis Fan Club Website, it was like God answered a prayer deep down in my heart.  I need to get to know this great man, but it wasn’t in God’s providence today to meet him, though I did get inducted into the fan club.  But seriously you guys aren’t going to put that thing in about me comparing the fan club to my marriage, right?  You know I am quite the jokester, joking around all the time.  Like when people see me walking around at Steubenville, they say, ‘Oh, here comes that jokester Hahn!  I wonder what he is going to joke about today!’  Are you seriously still writing all of this down?”

When the announcement was made telling the crowd Jonathan Davis would not be able to attend the event, several people broke out crying and the whole crowd was dismayed.  They were deeply wounded, yet their hurt was assuaged by another announcement telling them Scott Hahn would give an impromptu lecture on biblical covenants.  People were happy but still disappointed.  One man expressed this sentiment while exiting the cathedral:  “It is like getting promised the Ferrari you have always wanted and when showing up you are given a go-kart.  Go-karts are cool but, you know, you deal with it.”

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