Monday, October 12, 2015

The One... The Only...


  1. He's my rolemodel and my Hero. fo sho

  2. i pledge my allegiance to the Jonathan Davis Fan Club.

  3. I've known #Jonathan Davis for years and can confidently say that he's had a major impact on my life, both in the workplace and at home. I can only pray to the gods that everyone has a role model like him. #Jonathan Davis I love YOU !!!!!!

  4. Every time I have to make a difficult decision I just ask myself WWJDD and then I am at peace because I know JD makes all the right choices and that is why he is my role model.

    1. I can relate to this very well. Many is the time that I've had a difficult choice to make, and I firmly believe that the only reason I've been able to get this far is because #Jonathan Davis has provided me, by his example, with the appropriate choice to make.
