Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Guest Article: "It has been paid forward today..."

How many of us remember the series of commercials put out a few years ago by "Liberty Mutual" and how they would show a series of people "passing on" good acts of kindness from one to the other. It may not come as such an influential thirty seconds of television advertisement, but it does make us stop and think about all of the times we have let these seemingly small acts of kindness fall from our grasp. The most intriguing part of the commercial was the fact that others saw the person commit the act of good will, although they had no idea anyone was watching them. They did it, because it was the right thing to do.

In a society plagued with hedonism, self-ambition, and materialism there aren't many acts such as these that I've witnessed. If anything, we see acts of selfishness and hostility. So how is a culture to produce an about-face when it comes to our moral interactions with others? 

It takes one man to do the right thing, in one small, brief moment. 

One man to not follow the current of our selfish culture and to see an injustice; to see someone in need; to see an opportunity to love. 

I have been blessed to be a witness to this "one man" to turn the tide from self, to love of another. Our very own, Jonathan Davis was seen early yesterday morning bringing the empty blue container which holds our glasses back to the kitchen to be cleaned. There was no rule telling him to do this, no peer pressure, not even someone to take notice (except a passerby who just happened to see). Out of the depths of this man's heart, he took it upon himself to care for not only one person but all of us. By returning the blue tray he is basically saying, "I love everyone here, and will do what I can to help them - even if no one is looking." 

From the depths of my heart - Thank you Mr. Jonathan Davis. You have loved us, cared for our well-being, set a model for us to follow, and have at least inspired this anonymous writer to reflect on my own life, and see what I can do for others. 

This community here at Holy Apostles is a better place because of your actions. 

1 comment:

  1. Joe Day is truly the greatest. He is the Muhammad Ali of our time. He Floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee.
