Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A New Poem about JD

By: Anonymous

He wears black and his collar is white,
He wears it proudly, dusting off every mite,
Jonathan is a domino.

Just one look at this entity,
You’ve definitely discovered his identity,
Jonathan is a domino.

His edges are round and he can take a hit,
He’s strong and sturdy, and will never sit,
Jonathan is a domino,

When the clash comes, he humbly descends,
Always ready to make amends,
Jonathan is a domino.

He falls with love, grace and poise,
Leaving very little noise,
Jonathan is a domino.

To us fans, who watch his every move,
He’s got nothing left to prove,
Jonathan is a domino,

Both children and adults love him so,
Regularly asking him to play, we know,
Jonathan is a domino.

We cheer him on in his drive,
What would we do without him being alive?
Jonathan is in domino.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Encouragement from Jonathan

Here is a brief note sent to the JDFC Staff by none other than Mr. Jonathan Davis himself!! What humility he has...

Dear fans, 

The JDFC, which was started entirely by you, has now been up and running for two full weeks now, and I a humbled by your love and support which you have shown. 

Many of you have said that when you are confronted with a difficult situation in your lives, you ask yourself, "What would Jonathan Davis Do (WWJDD)?" 

I just want all of you to know that when I need to make a difficult decision in my life I ask myself this question:  "What would Jesus do?"

Dr. Scott Hahn Attends Jonathan Davis Event

Several people taking pictures and waiting to see Jonathan Davis.

On Saturday, October 10th, 2015, several hundred people gathered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Norwich, CT, in anticipation of Jonathan Davis.  Among those numbered in the crowd was Dr. Scott Hahn, famed Catholic apologist and scripture scholar.  Dr. Hahn in hearing about this event cancelled several of his classes at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and tour stops around the country to make this event:  “When I first read about Jonathan Davis on the Jonathan Davis Fan Club Website, I knew I had to meet him at any reasonable cost.”  Even several students and faculty from Holy Apostles College and Seminary who see Jonathan Davis on a daily basis attended the event because no one can get enough Jonathan Davis.

Dr. Hahn remarked, “This is the happiest day of my life!  This is on par with coming into the Catholic Church and may be even better than my wedding day, but don’t tell my wife I said that!  Wait… why are you writing this down?  You guys aren’t going to publish every single thing I say to you, are you?”

Several members of Holy Apostles College and Seminary officially induct
Dr. Scott Hahn into the Jonathan Davis Fan Club. 

Sadly, Jonathan wasn’t able to make it to the event for important reasons.  If you are asking what those reasons could be, stop wondering:  you are not able to understand the ways of Jonathan.  That being said, Scott Hahn was very disappointed, “After I first came into the Church and became a Catholic celebrity, it was fun to go to Rome to meet with popes and other famous Catholics, but I can honestly say I was never too excited for any of that.  But then there is Jonathan Davis!  When reading about him on the Jonathan Davis Fan Club Website, it was like God answered a prayer deep down in my heart.  I need to get to know this great man, but it wasn’t in God’s providence today to meet him, though I did get inducted into the fan club.  But seriously you guys aren’t going to put that thing in about me comparing the fan club to my marriage, right?  You know I am quite the jokester, joking around all the time.  Like when people see me walking around at Steubenville, they say, ‘Oh, here comes that jokester Hahn!  I wonder what he is going to joke about today!’  Are you seriously still writing all of this down?”

When the announcement was made telling the crowd Jonathan Davis would not be able to attend the event, several people broke out crying and the whole crowd was dismayed.  They were deeply wounded, yet their hurt was assuaged by another announcement telling them Scott Hahn would give an impromptu lecture on biblical covenants.  People were happy but still disappointed.  One man expressed this sentiment while exiting the cathedral:  “It is like getting promised the Ferrari you have always wanted and when showing up you are given a go-kart.  Go-karts are cool but, you know, you deal with it.”

Thursday, October 22, 2015


What caption do you think should go with this picture? 
Let's hear what you all can come up with!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"What counts is what you make of it in the middle"

The JDFC staff received this email late last night, and it touched us so much that we wanted to share it with all of you...Jonathan's most devoted fans. 

On October 18, 2015, Jonathan Davis changed the way that I view myself, my happiness, and my future.

Jonathan Davis is an amazingly talented young man–but not for the reasons you would think. Yes, he is undoubtedly a talented singer, but what really sets him apart from others is his ability to connect with his peers. Jonathan somehow has the ability to talk directly to you, even if you are one of thousands of people.

This past year I've had the privilege of being one of those thousands of people to be around him. Yet, even if we just met, it seemed as if I might have been in a room talking to my best friend. And I think I felt that way because Jonathan took some time out of his busy schedule to give me some advice. What he said was so beautiful, that I almost don't want to share it - but rather treasure it in my heart.

All I can say is that tears rolled down my cheeks. Tears of recognition. Tears that represented a rough and stressful time in my life that this person could perfectly describe through word and deed.

All too often it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you are the only one who has experienced this sort of pain. But, during this one moment, Jonathan changed my life. He reminded me that I was not alone in the pain I’ve felt this past year.  He told me that eventually I would be “Clean” and that soon enough I would be able to “Shake It Off”. He spoke directly to me when there are thousands of others he could have talked to - and for that I will be forever grateful.

I’m moving on from that encounter with Jonathan with a new-found confidence that my life will get better. In Jonathan's words: “Life is made of fleeting moments of happiness and fleeting moments of pain. What counts is what you make of it in the middle.”

In the middle I’m going to live every moment to the fullest and move on from a part of my life that has weighed on me so much.

I hope everyone reading this does the same. I also hope that others who are in a similar situation read this story and realize that they are not alone. I know how hard it is when your friends and family don’t understand. I understand what it feels like when you realize you no longer have their support. Well, you do have support. You have support from me, from Jonathan, and from every other person who has been there.
So if this story has moved you, then share it. Send it to your friend, loved ones and even your enemies. Remind them that they are not alone.

Monday, October 19, 2015

JD says, "Peanut Butter Cookies were a real turning point in my life."

Awwww, How sweet! Jonathan Davis has nothing but love for Peanut Butter cookies. That's right, you heard it here at JDFC first! PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES ARE JONATHAN'S FAVORITE!

The popular man on campus and avid baker — who has been known to whip up a few recipes in his day told us that: “I just wanted to mention that peanut butter cookies were a real turning point in my life.” When pressed further as to what he meant, the already emotional Jonathan had this to say: "I was in a dark place...I rather not go into it...But, Peanut Butter Cookies were always there for me as my closest friend and confidant. I grew to trust them, which lead to loving them."

As our Cookie Poll officially comes to an end today, we would like to thank all of your for giving your input and letting us know what your favorite cookie was! But, now we realize that some of you may change your mind on the subject. The polls revealed that "Oatmeal Cookies" were by far the Fan's favorites. Showing a discontinuity with what Jonathan has. But who knows, maybe after hearing his touching story hearts will be changed, minds softened, and tastes developed.

Here's one of his best kept recipes that was leaked when he left it out in the Kitchen earlier this week. Luckily a JDFC member was there on the scene to snatch this most precious relic:

2 cups of peanut butter
2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons of baking soda
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla
And a whole lot of love!!!
Then, preheat oven to 350 degrees, grease the cookie sheets.

In a medium bowl, stir peanut butter and sugar together until smooth. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then stir in the baking soda, salt, and vanilla. Roll dough into 1 inch balls and place them 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets. Press a criss-cross into the top using the back of a fork.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

I think we all know this feeling...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jonathan's Crossing of the Cookies & Milk River

O Jonathan! My Captain!

O Jonathon! My Captain! our tasty trip is done;

The ship has weather'd every snack, the sweets we sought were won;

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the plundered loot, the vessel full with cookies:

But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bits of chocolate chips,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Gorged full with crumbs on lips.

O Jonathon! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells;

Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;

For you have brought the bounty sweet—the people now are pooling;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager mouths are drooling;

Here captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
To rouse you from your sluggish state,
Both milk and cookie fed.

My Captain does not answer, his eyes are dazed and still;

My father does not feel my arm, he has no drive nor will;

The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with cookies won;

Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But yet we have to wait,
For Jonathon to sleep this off,
And then we celebrate!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Blue. The New Pink.

You never know what to expect in the world of fashion today. It seems as if everything has had "it's day" and there is no source of inspiration anymore. But what the entire fashion community wasn't ready for was what Mr. Jonathan Davis had to say about that.

The world has been in something of a blue pandemonium after an inside reporter found out that BLUE was Jonathan Davis' favorite color. Stores have been crowded with men and women looking to get this "new color." While trash bins have been filled with the "pinks" of yesterday.

“Blue makes me feel really strong - and that's something I want others to feel as well,” he said. “I feel like Blue should be all over the place.” It’s already showing up in unexpected areas, like the latest collection by Parisian label Pallas, which has built its name on tuxedo-inspired tailoring. Already, designers Daniel Pallas and Véronique Bousquet trashed their array of black, white and red looks with searing navy-blue ones. Though those pieces have been picked up by many retailers, they may not be an easy sell. “You must be strong to wear a tuxedo, and even stronger to wear it in Blue,” said Mr. Pallas.

Perhaps a gentler way to dip a toe into the Blue pool is an accessory, like a Belgian crafted hand band such as the one shown below. Would any of you be interested in possibly acquiring this accessory as a means to "Feel Strong" with Jonathan Davis and at the same time show our love and devotion to this great man? If so, please let me know!

Soccer Match, or No Match at all?

This past Sunday players from many diverse cultures were a part of the Holy Apostles Annual "Vietnam Vs. Everyone else Soccer Invitational."

It was an absolutely stunning performance of athleticism, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Both teams worked hard for the points they scored, but the final score was a whopping 6-2 in favor of our Asian Brothers.

But, the real question is whether they even stood a match to the secret weapon on the International side? For there was one player, whom not even the Vietnamese could defeat. Our own, Jonathan Davis. Check him out here in a rarely seen photo of Jonathan gracing the International student's team by his presence.

They may not have won the soccer match, but there was NO MATCH when it came to Jonathan Davis.

Yes, Mr. Davis.... You are number one in our books.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Spirituality of Cats Conference" - Vintage Footage!

Vintage Diocesan footage of when our own Jonathan Davis and fellow diocesan brother, Marcus (aka Supermarket) Furnari, were singing together, back in the day, at their local church's annual "Spirituality of Cats Conference" in 1998.

What articulation. What dynamics and emotion. Simply a scrumtrelesaunt performance.  

Possible "Pre-Humorous" Beatification!?

My resources in the Vatican have mentioned to me Jonathan Davis' name as possibly being considered for the Church's first Pre-Humorous Beatification.

This doesn't mean that it will happen - you know how Rome is. But it is interesting that it is something that is even being considered and whispered about. The whispers of Rome are not merely trivial.

If it were to ever occur, it would begin a long procedure of examinations into his life, testimonies, debate, documentation, etc.

Only time will tell... and all we can do is Hope and Pray.

Guest Article: "It has been paid forward today..."

How many of us remember the series of commercials put out a few years ago by "Liberty Mutual" and how they would show a series of people "passing on" good acts of kindness from one to the other. It may not come as such an influential thirty seconds of television advertisement, but it does make us stop and think about all of the times we have let these seemingly small acts of kindness fall from our grasp. The most intriguing part of the commercial was the fact that others saw the person commit the act of good will, although they had no idea anyone was watching them. They did it, because it was the right thing to do.

In a society plagued with hedonism, self-ambition, and materialism there aren't many acts such as these that I've witnessed. If anything, we see acts of selfishness and hostility. So how is a culture to produce an about-face when it comes to our moral interactions with others? 

It takes one man to do the right thing, in one small, brief moment. 

One man to not follow the current of our selfish culture and to see an injustice; to see someone in need; to see an opportunity to love. 

I have been blessed to be a witness to this "one man" to turn the tide from self, to love of another. Our very own, Jonathan Davis was seen early yesterday morning bringing the empty blue container which holds our glasses back to the kitchen to be cleaned. There was no rule telling him to do this, no peer pressure, not even someone to take notice (except a passerby who just happened to see). Out of the depths of this man's heart, he took it upon himself to care for not only one person but all of us. By returning the blue tray he is basically saying, "I love everyone here, and will do what I can to help them - even if no one is looking." 

From the depths of my heart - Thank you Mr. Jonathan Davis. You have loved us, cared for our well-being, set a model for us to follow, and have at least inspired this anonymous writer to reflect on my own life, and see what I can do for others. 

This community here at Holy Apostles is a better place because of your actions. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Baking of a Cookie

Be a part of the movement!

The JDFC is growing leaps and bounds in just these few shorts hours since it's humble beginnings. Founded out of appreciation and devotion to Mr. Jonathan Davis, the JDFC has already amassed many views, supporting comments, and registered members.

If anyone is interested in becoming a registered member for the JDFC and receive updates, information, and commentary posted daily on this webpage, please contact the JDFC office and we will send you the proper paper work to welcome you into the Official Community of Fans.

Again, all of this would not be possible without the wonderful role-model and inspiration set for all of us here on the JDFC staff by Mr. Jonathan Davis.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Guest Editor: Photo-Mashup

JDFC <3 Cookies

Cookie Monster


The One... The Only...


You will often hear many names attributed to Mr. Jonathan Davis. So I've compiled a list of them for all of us to enjoy:

1. Jonathan Davis
2. Joe-Day
3. J.D.
4. Jonah
5. Cookie Monster
6. Vice President

JDFC - The Official Fan Base

Welcome one and all to the Official "Jonathan Davis Fan Club!"

After years of anticipation, we are finally up and running. Thank you to our contributors and benefactors who have all come together to make this website possible. We couldn't have done it without you.

This website will be intended to spread information about our beloved Jonathan; to share stories, photos, and our overall fondness for this great man. If anyone has anything they would like to see posted, please feel free to send it to me.

As this is a new undertaking for myself and the rest of my JDFC team, we will try to provide you with the best news, articles, and editorials available on Jonathan.

Spread the news... JDFC is up and running!