Sunday, November 8, 2015

Jonathan Davis Mentioned in Celebrity Interview

In a recent get-together, many musical artists gathered to commemorate USA for Africa, which was a campaign in 1985 to help with feed starving people in Africa.  This was best known for their hit “We Are the World.”  During the interview, the topic of Jonathan Davis inevitably popped up.

The group USA for Africa reunited.
While taking this picture, instead of yelling “Cheese!”, they shouted “Jonathan Davis!”

The group USA for Africa reunited.  While taking this picture, instead of yelling “Cheese!”, they shouted “Jonathan Davis!”

Bono from U2 spoke up:  “I know people say I come off as ‘holier than thou,’ but in all honesty, I am just trying to be like Jonathan Davis.  I am looking for a way to be a good man like Jonathan Davis effortlessly does, but I still haven’t found what I am looking for.”

Janet Jackson mentioned a conversation she had with her brother Michael before he passed away.  She said, “Michael wished Jonathan Davis was born about 20 years earlier for the song because things would have been much better.  Using Jonathan in the album would have been a no brainer, like ABC, 123. And as for world hunger, we would have beat it.”

When asked why they couldn’t come up with another song and use Jonathan Davis now, Kenny Rodgers said, “The industry has changed.  Now, you need to sell your soul and you basically cannot be a decent human being, yet that is the power of Jonathan Davis, but the industry doesn’t want that; they just want puppets.  Like I always say, you gotta’ know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em.”

Willie Nelson disagreed.  He mentioned, “A collaboration with Jonathan Davis would be fantastic.  The idea is always on my mind, but I keep on forgetting for some reason...”

Overall, they regretted not having Jonathan Davis to collaborate on the project, but they are happy to know of him and follow him on the Jonathan Davis Fan Club website.  And they all bought WWJDD wrist bands.

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