Thursday, November 12, 2015

J.D. Mentioned during Bishop's Installation Homily

New bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, The Most Rev. James V. Johnston, Jr., thanked Jonathan Davis for being present at his installation Mass. During his homily, he said:

"It gives me immense joy to know that one of our beloved seminarians, Mr. Jonathan Davis, made time in his busy schedule to flew back for this special occasion. I first heard of this young man when I was bishop of Springfield. I saw firsthand how my flock embraced his legend. At one parish, the people solemnly processed through the streets with a giant Jonathan effigy. As it moved throughout the city, people came out of their homes just to catch a glimpse of his likeness when it passed. At another parish, large numbers of parents are naming their newborns after him. Oh, what a blessing it is to have these parents seek baptism for their "little Jonathans!" And there are a surprising number of parishes being erected in honor of his patronage. But it was not until the great Feast of St. Jonathan, of the ancient Aquileian Rite, that I knew I had to meet this extraordinary young man. In what can only be described as a combination of divine providence and Jonathan's intercession, I have been chosen as your new bishop. In many ways, I am here because of Jonathan Davis. He is a man the whole diocese should emulate. As such, on this occasion of my appointment to the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, I have commissioned 100 life sized statues of Jonathan Davis, one for each parish, so that the good people of this here diocese may have the opportunity to properly venerate Mr. Jonathan Davis. It is my hope that you too, will become "other Jonathans." May Jonathan Davis bless you all!"

The JDFC has also heard rumors about Jonathan possibly giving Spiritual Direction to a Bishop on his return flight from Kansas-City to Hartford. 

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