Thursday, November 12, 2015


J.D. Mentioned during Bishop's Installation Homily

New bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, The Most Rev. James V. Johnston, Jr., thanked Jonathan Davis for being present at his installation Mass. During his homily, he said:

"It gives me immense joy to know that one of our beloved seminarians, Mr. Jonathan Davis, made time in his busy schedule to flew back for this special occasion. I first heard of this young man when I was bishop of Springfield. I saw firsthand how my flock embraced his legend. At one parish, the people solemnly processed through the streets with a giant Jonathan effigy. As it moved throughout the city, people came out of their homes just to catch a glimpse of his likeness when it passed. At another parish, large numbers of parents are naming their newborns after him. Oh, what a blessing it is to have these parents seek baptism for their "little Jonathans!" And there are a surprising number of parishes being erected in honor of his patronage. But it was not until the great Feast of St. Jonathan, of the ancient Aquileian Rite, that I knew I had to meet this extraordinary young man. In what can only be described as a combination of divine providence and Jonathan's intercession, I have been chosen as your new bishop. In many ways, I am here because of Jonathan Davis. He is a man the whole diocese should emulate. As such, on this occasion of my appointment to the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, I have commissioned 100 life sized statues of Jonathan Davis, one for each parish, so that the good people of this here diocese may have the opportunity to properly venerate Mr. Jonathan Davis. It is my hope that you too, will become "other Jonathans." May Jonathan Davis bless you all!"

The JDFC has also heard rumors about Jonathan possibly giving Spiritual Direction to a Bishop on his return flight from Kansas-City to Hartford. 

Davis Wins Election: A New Dawn is Approaching in HACS Politics

Jonathan Davis was elected as the new president of Holy Apostles College and Seminary Student Council on Tuesday, sweeping away the other candidates and all other sense of doubt that he could reach this height.

Mr. Davis’ election amounted to a national catharsis — a repudiation of an older and more experienced president and his economic and foreign policies, and an embrace of Mr. Davis' call for a change in the direction and the tone of the Seminary. But it was just as much a strikingly symbolic moment in the evolution of the school’s diverse ethnic history, a breakthrough that would have seemed unthinkable just two years ago.

Mr. Davis, 27, a first-term Third Year Theologian from Kansas-City, defeated Van Vo, a Second Year Theologian from Vietnam, a former volleyball player who was making his first bid for the presidency.

Mr. Vo offered a gracious concession speech at St. John's 3 shortly after 6:15 p.m. Eastern time, quieting his booing supporters more than once when he mentioned Mr. Davis' name. “Jonathan Davis has achieved a great thing for himself, and for this school,” he said.

“These are difficult times for our school, and I pledged to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face,” Mr. Vo said. “I urge all who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next president our goodwill and earnest effort to find ways to come together.”

To the very end, Mr. Vo’s campaign was eclipsed by an opponent who was nothing short of a phenomenon, drawing huge crowds epitomized by the tens of people who turned out to hear Mr. Davis’ victory speech in the Refectory after his victory was announced.

The day shimmered with history as voters began lining up before dark — hours before polls opened — to take part in the culmination of a campaign that, over the course of two weeks, commanded an extraordinary amount of attention from the staff and students.

Mr. Davis led his Cookie Party in a decisive sweep of the entire Council. Mr. Severinus was elected alongside Mr. Davis (some would even say, in his shadow) as the new Vice President. Mr. Nathan Lopez - a Harvard grad with a degree in Public Relations - is our new Secretary. And Mr. Joshua Bulcher - a complete red-shirt popping up from an earlier crisis has shocked the school as our new Treasurer.

The president-elect and his expanded Cookie majority now faces the task of governing the school through a difficult period: the bankruptcy of the council, the lack of budget an of order, and the ever demanding and diverse tasks dumped on the council.

Mr. Davis will come into office after an election in which he laid out a number of clear promises: to raise taxes for all students in his "Fund Drive," to install a budget for Student Council spending, and to expand an ever overarching grasp on the student body as a whole.

The Cookie Party sweep took down some well-known student council staff, including Mr. Thomas Hartman, Mr. Tai Pham, and Mr. Michael Anani.

Initial signs were that Mr. Davis benefited from a huge turnout of voters, but particularly among sisters. That group of voters made up 13 percent of the electorate on Tuesday, according to surveys of people leaving the polls, compared with just 10 percent in 2014.

As tens of people gathered in the refectory to celebrate their hometown candidate, the audience erupted in bursts of applause each time a position was filled.

Mr. Jonathan Davis stood on the brink of an historic victory Tuesday after he appeared to have won enough electoral votes to defeat Mr. Van Vo for president and to become the first Cookie Politician to serve as the school’s chief executive.

The election ended what by any definition was one of the most remarkable contests in Holy Apostles political history, drawing what was by every appearance unparalleled public interest. Throughout the day, people lined up at the polls for hours — some showing up before dawn — to cast their votes. Aides to both campaigns said that anecdotal evidence suggested record-high voter turnout.

"This is our moment," Davis concluded in his victory remarks. "This is our time to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our students, to restore a balanced finance and promote the cause of peace, to reclaim the American Dream."

His election, he said, was an opportunity to reaffirm "that out of many, we are one, that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that the cookie will only crumble, we respond: WE ARE FOR COOKIES."

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Jonathan Davis Mentioned in Celebrity Interview

In a recent get-together, many musical artists gathered to commemorate USA for Africa, which was a campaign in 1985 to help with feed starving people in Africa.  This was best known for their hit “We Are the World.”  During the interview, the topic of Jonathan Davis inevitably popped up.

The group USA for Africa reunited.
While taking this picture, instead of yelling “Cheese!”, they shouted “Jonathan Davis!”

The group USA for Africa reunited.  While taking this picture, instead of yelling “Cheese!”, they shouted “Jonathan Davis!”

Bono from U2 spoke up:  “I know people say I come off as ‘holier than thou,’ but in all honesty, I am just trying to be like Jonathan Davis.  I am looking for a way to be a good man like Jonathan Davis effortlessly does, but I still haven’t found what I am looking for.”

Janet Jackson mentioned a conversation she had with her brother Michael before he passed away.  She said, “Michael wished Jonathan Davis was born about 20 years earlier for the song because things would have been much better.  Using Jonathan in the album would have been a no brainer, like ABC, 123. And as for world hunger, we would have beat it.”

When asked why they couldn’t come up with another song and use Jonathan Davis now, Kenny Rodgers said, “The industry has changed.  Now, you need to sell your soul and you basically cannot be a decent human being, yet that is the power of Jonathan Davis, but the industry doesn’t want that; they just want puppets.  Like I always say, you gotta’ know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em.”

Willie Nelson disagreed.  He mentioned, “A collaboration with Jonathan Davis would be fantastic.  The idea is always on my mind, but I keep on forgetting for some reason...”

Overall, they regretted not having Jonathan Davis to collaborate on the project, but they are happy to know of him and follow him on the Jonathan Davis Fan Club website.  And they all bought WWJDD wrist bands.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cookie Gregorian Chant

Jam with Jonathan


Reader's Reaction

The JDFC Staff would love to hear from more of our Readers about personal testimony, stories, or anecdotes about their interaction or impression of Jonathan Davis. Or in what way this webpage has helped you grow in closeness with J.D.

We, here at the JDFC offices, strive to give you the best up-to-date news coverage, opinion, and inspirational articles on Jonathan Davis. Come rain, hail, typhoon, or sprinkle; the JDFC is committed to giving you the very best.

But now we want to hear from you, our Readers.

This cat still has 9 lives, thanks to J.D.

KANSAS CITY, MO - Early yesterday morning Jonathan Davis climbed a large maple tree to rescue a tuxedo cat who had been stuck there for several days.

Fluffy the cat snuck out of the house one day and found herself stuck in a tall maple tree.

Christine Applegate, a local resident in the neighborhood where Jonathan grew up shares the story on Facebook: “Fluffy was stuck in a huge maple tree, in Hansen's backyard, for a couple days. Her owners heard her meows, but had to bushwhack through blackberry bushes to finally find her. Once they did, a young man of great complexion walked up and asked if there was anything he could do to help.

“He quickly climbed the tree, but Fluffy was really scared and it looked like she might climb higher. Thankfully, she only scooted out a little bit on the limb and this local hero was able to scoop her up.”

“She relaxed in my arms and we had some nice treetop conversation.” Said Jonathan after he climbed down with Fluffy. 

Courtesy of Channel 3 News Team
The citizens of Gladstone all breathed a sigh of relief once Jonathan returned to Terra Firma with Fluffy safely in his arms. There was rancorous applause as the young Jonathan Davis merely blushed and said, "What I've done has only been my duty, it is you, the good people of Kansas City who deserve the round of applause for the amount of love in your hearts!" 

It has been rumored that the Mayor intends to bestow the city's highest honor (the Golden BBQ Sauce Bottle) on Mr. Davis later on this Christmas. 

Wristbands are Here!!

Show your JDFC support!

Pick up your wristband from a JDFC Staff Member, Today!! 

If you didn't oder one, we still have some extras for sale! Only $1.00!

Show your love for J.D. and get all of your official JDFC SWAG here! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

The KC Kid

Jonathan Davis shows his support!
He will be home in KC tomorrow afternoon!

...You gotta Believe...

Absolute Pandemonium as the Royals win the World Series

NEW YORK -- The Kansas City Royals are world champions for the first time since 1985.

Christian Colon's RBI single in the 12th inning capped another in a postseason-long run of late-inning rallies, and the Royals beat the New York Mets 7-2 to capture the World Series in five games.

Our staff present at the game last night asked Ned Yost (the manager for the Royals) what he said to his players after the second-run in the sixth inning: "Well, I told them to keep up the fight. I mean, we were in a safe place already leading the series 3-1, but that wasn't enough for our boys. We wanted to win - and I told them to go for it."

But as the night carried on, and it seemed like the Mets were one step closer to closing the series, Baseball Drama at its finest occurred.

"I looked at my teammates before I walked out of the dugout; they had given up all hope," said Hosmer. "I told them: look fellas, right now there's a certain golden haired man watching us play, a man who has belief in us. Not in just any old team - but us. Now, I'm about ready to go out there and win this series for him. If Jonathan believes...Then we gotta believe."

Hosmer and Perez both went out in the 9th inning to tie the game at 2-2.

"When I heard Hosmer inspiring our guys with the thought of winning the game for Jonathan, I knew we'd end it all tonight. I never told the guys, but the whole night I was wearing my JDFC wristband for good luck, and it wasn't until Hosmer's pep-talk in the 9th that I remembered I had it on." - Yost

The Royals steamrolled relievers Addison Reed and Bartolo Colon in the 12th to win the World Series 7-2. It was absolute PANDEMONIUM as Familia closed the game, making Jonathan's belief a reality. Players were ecstatic; the crowd in tears; and somewhere up in the quiet hill country of central Connecticut, Jonathan Davis sat back in his chair with hands behind his head and said to himself, "Well done boys... Well done."

"This one's for you J.D."

"Not only did a man like Jonathan Davis inspire a multi-million dollar Major League Baseball team to push for their dreams in the last inning of a 'lost game' at Met's stadium, in order to come out and win the World Series for the first time in 30 years... He inspired a country to believe again." - Travis d'Arnaud (Catcher for the Royals)

My friends...You gotta believe...